
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A streak of light

It's been a while since I posted last, so I thought I'd drop in and update you all on my "streak of light" I'm experiencing. My last post talked about how dark I was feeling and how I hate bad days, well this post is about how I love the good days, few and far between as the are.  I think part of me is not wanting to write this post for fear that mentioning that I've had several good days will end my streak of light, so I guess we will see.

I guess one good thing about depression is I sure do relish my good days.  It's been a long time since I've felt so much in just a few short days, I feel human again, something that hasn't happened in a while.  I'm enjoying my piano lessons, I feel love for my family, both immediate and extended, and i feel love from my Heavenly Father.  The past few days I haven't only known I am loved, but I've felt it, and that has been absolutely wonderful.

So I guess all I have to say is here's to us, all of us who battle the depression demon or are close to someone who does.  Here's to whoever you are, whether the day has been good or bad, know you are not alone.  We will do this, for God loves us.

Stay strong, for we can do hard things,

Lacey miller

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